Dr. Chuck Lortie FRCPC, FAAD, ACMS


Tattoos can be a form artistic personal expression. Unfortunately, they are sometimes based on an impulsive decision that may later be regretted. Picosecond laser technology can provide an effective solution.
Compared with the nanosecond systems of the past, the latest picosecond laser technology offers the most innovative laser tattoo removal currently available. After researching these systems carefully, Park Dermatology now offers treatment with the ultrafast PicoWay laser. To remove microscopic tattoo particles, lasers must provide extremely short pulses of light energy. The PicoWay laser delivers this energy in pulses measured in trillionths of a second - a truly cutting edge accomplishment!

This advanced laser technology offers less discomfort and reduced risk for patients. In addition, PicoWay laser tattoo removal provides improved efficacy over a broader range of colors with fewer treatment sessions.
PicoWay laser produces powerful pulses of targeted energy with the shortest pulse durations of any aesthetic medical laser available. The result is a burst of vibrational energy capable of shattering tattoo pigment more safely with minimal heat. This in turn decreases the risks of burns, scarring and skin darkening.

PicoWay is the only picosecond laser platform with 4 wavelengths to address a wide range of tattoo colors, including previously difficult blue and green colors. This laser can also be used safely in patients with skin of color.
PicoWay Laser Tattoo Removal Technology Advantages:
-Utilizes photoacoustic (vibrational) rather than photothermal (heat) energy, thus presenting less risk to induce burns, scarring or increased pigmentation.
-The only picosecond platform with 4 wavelengths to address a wide range of tattoo colors, including difficult to remove colors such as blue and green.
-This treatment can be used safely in skin of color.
Have your tattoo assessed and removed under the supervision of a dermatologist at Park Deramtology where we have both the expertise and the latest technology to provide you with finest care for your skin.
For more information, check out our Park Derm Blog: How Do Lasers Remove Tattoos?